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All products

Light Modulation® LLLT and Optimal Power Energy® IPL, for an optimal, non-invasive treatment of Dry Eye Disease (DED)


Eye-light® Dry eye suite of products


The eye-light® solution features both core technologies;
Light Modulation® LLLT (Low level light Therapy) and Optimal Power Energy® IPL, gives an optimal, non-invasive treatment for most ocular surface conditions, from Dry Eye Disease (DED) induced by Meibomian Glands Dysfunction (MGD) to Sjogren’s Syndrome.

The my-mask® is designed with convenience in mind.
Miniaturising the Light Modulation® LLLT technology into such a portable, small package was a challenge, to provide a convenient yet powerful solution to benefit from light-based therapy wherever.     

mgd mask®

Focus on the unique benefits of LM® LLLT technology for the treatment of most ocular surface diseases.  Ask about our home treatment package.


Screen for MGD and other ocular surface conditions, quickly and effectively.


Contact us for a demonstration [email protected]

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