Eye-light Dry AMD Solution
Why the need for a Dry AMD Solution?
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) remains the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the developed world, particularly in its advanced stages. This makes innovations in treatment both urgent and critical and Photobiomodulation therapy is the innovative cutting-edge technology from Espansione to provide the solution to dry AMD. Topcon is proud to be the exclusive distributor of Eye-light® solutions in the UK and Ireland.
Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, is a ground-breaking light-based treatment delivered through the advanced Eye-light® device. This therapy leverages light energy to stimulate cellular repair and regeneration, offering a scientifically validated and non-invasive approach to managing dry AMD.
Why is this a game-changer?
PBM specifically targets AREDS 3 and lower classifications, addressing significant gaps in current treatment protocols. By slowing disease progression, preserving vision, and enhancing patient quality of life, this innovation represents a significant leap forward for eye care professionals and their patients alike.
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