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Efficiency Without Compromise

Efficiency Without Compromise

Discover the Henson 9000

The Henson 9000 is a compact, easy-to-use perimeter for detecting and monitoring changes to visual fields. It features innovative, time-saving tests and analytical tools that enhance patient experience and practice efficiency. Screening tests can often be extended to include detailed mapping of the central 10 degrees.

Smart Supra: the best of supra-threshold and threshold perimetry

  • Improve sensitivity to central defects. The fully extended 3.5-minute Smart Supra test includes the full 24-2 pattern (54 points) with an additional 32 points in the central 10 degrees. 
  • Reduce false positives with the ability to retest or add points within the Smart Supra test.  
Henson 9000 Smart Supra data

Gardiner SK, Swanson WH, Goren D, Mansberger SL, Demirel S. Assessment of the reliability of standard automated perimetry in regions of glaucomatous damage. Ophthalmology. 2014 Jul;121(7):1359-69. PMID: 24629617

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