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UKISCRS Annual Meeting

At this year's UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Topcon will have the Eye-light® solution on our stand. This innovative Light Modulation®/Low Level Light Therapy treatment for Dry Eye disease (DED), cataract and refractive surgery patients suffering from DED run a major risk for suboptimal outcomes when it comes to cataract and refractive surgery. LM® LLLT is a patented photobiomodulation technology, it works by stimulating ATP production, removing blockage from meibomian glands that prevents them from functioning properly. Also, we will have an Exclusive Teleon Lenses OFFER, we have one of the world‘s leading multifocal technologies that allow for an outcome of cataract surgery which goes far beyond the results achieved with the standard lens implant. Come and visit our stand at UKISCRS to discover LM® LLLT and its application for treating DED before and after vision correction or find out more about our Exclusive Teleon lenses offer.




Leonardo Hotel, London Bridge, UK



The UK & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery exists to; promote education and research in the field of cataract and refractive surgery and to advance and promote the study and practice of ophthalmology and research and the dissemination of the useful results thereof; promote experimental work in the field of cataract surgery, intraocular lens implantation and refractive surgery and the dissemination of results thereof; further investigation and training in cataract and refractive surgery. 

The UKISCRS has an active membership of over 400 doctors from the UK and Ireland as well as a number of international members. UKISCRS is at the forefront of promoting education and learning in cataract and refractive surgery. UKISCRS is a limited company by guarantee and is a non-profit making organisation. It is administered by the Council, which comprises the Directors, the Officers and elected representatives from the membership.