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Fight for Sight Charity Golf Day - 3rd July 2024 - Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club, near Coventry, Warwickshire.

Topcon Joint Headline Sponsors again at this years' Fight For Sight Golf Day

Published on

Topcon and Performance Finance are joint headline sponsors this year.

What could be better than having fun and raising funds for a worthy cause,  Its a fun day out topped off with an evening dinner

Join in and watch the professional at work with their amazing trick shots.
There is a prize every time tombola and also food halfway around the course. 
During the evening, there is a game of heads and tails and speeches and charity auction witih some fabulous prizes 


Get in touch with Debbie White to find out more.
Call:    07866 510 959 or Email: [email protected]

or register your team here