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Visiotis, The New Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

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The Visiotis PROGRESS+ range


The Visiotis PROGRESS+ and PROGRESS TORIC+ are a one-piece multifocal posterior chamber lens for optimised depth of focus with aspherical surface and violet light filter.

The Foldable one-piece multifocal IOL for capsular bag fixation

Optic Design

  • Biconvex
  • Sector-shaped nearvision segment – anterior: +2.0 D Aspherical surface – posterior
  • Spherical aberration neutral

IOL Design

  • Closed C-Loop haptic
  • Optic and haptics with square edges, posterior 360° continuous barrier effect


HydroSmart® Protect – a copolymer, consisting of hydrophilic acrylates with hydrophobic surface UV absorbing and additional violet light filter

Email our Surgical Team [email protected] to find out more and to order your trial Pack